Ministry of Health Brunei Darussalam.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

                                  10 weirdest diseases

We all are familiar of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer stroke, heart disease and so on. However, there are diseases around the world that many of us never heard off. I will share 10 of the weirdest disease existed.

1.       Congenital  insensitivity  to pain

There have been at least 100 people in United States who have reported the lack of painful sensations from simple things like pin pricks on their skin. People would say how cool and invulnerable they are, feeling no pain. While this disease might sound advantageous, think again.  Those without pain sensations often die early deaths from simple injuries such as a small cut while other normal people would feel and bandage the cut. Those who have this disease cannot feel pain and suffer from significant loss of blood because of them.

2.       Moebius syndrome

This syndrome is characterized by the lack of developed facial nerves and subsequent loss of facial expressions. The cause is unknown to the researchers and the effects are serious. Those with moebius syndrome often sleep with their eyes open. They also cannot smile, frown or move their eyes in a lateral direction. They cannot control their blinking either.

3.       Ondine’s curse

It is also known as congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) or primary alveolar hypoventilation.  A respiratory disease that is fatal if not treated. Those suffered this disease have a hard time taking in oxygen which leads them to be very tired often. In severe cases, sleep literally means death. They simply cannot take in oxygen and without the aid of machine, they will die. This disease originated its name from the myth of ondine. Ondine is a water nymph who had an unfaithful mortal lover. He swore to her that his ‘ every waking breathe would be a testimony of love. And when ondine discovered his adultery, she cursed that if he fell asleep he will forget to breath.

4.       Elephantiasis (grossly enlarged members)

It is characterized by the enlarged legs or arms. It is caused by parasitic worms that get transmitted by mosquitoes. Approximately, 120 million people around the world suffered elephantiasis and 40 million of them have it to serious extent. Symptoms can take years to appear. This is because the infected female mosquito can inject worm larvae into the bloodstream and reproduce and spread before visible bulge can be seen.

5.       Werewolves syndrome

Of course, human doesn’t transform into wolves .The reason behind the name is people who have this syndrome grows patches of hair on their faces, very much resemblance of a wolf. In fact, two brothers were offered to be part of x-files but they refused the offer.

6.       Pica (the urge to eat non-food substances)

Pica is a disease which creates an urge to eat something other than food. Substances such as clay, soil, paper, dirt and have been eaten by those with pica. Researchers have linked pica with mineral deficiency but cannot find the cause or the cure for this disease.

7.       Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease(C.J.D.)

Harmless protein that sits out of cell membranes is called PrP. This protein can be mutated into a shape called PrPSc ( infected protein), whereas the protein will bundle into clumps. Theses clumps cause plaques in the brain that actually tear a hole in the brain grey’s matter. It exhibit symptoms very similar to mad cow disease.

8.       Necrotizing fasciitis (Flesh-eating bacteria)

It is a nasty strain of bacteria. Once infected, the bacteria feast on soft tissues found in the skin.  There it kills all cells and clear its path causing it to literally rot away. In severe cases, the bacteria can consume the entire limb!. The bacteria can enter through minor injuries such as cuts.

9.       Alice in wonderland syndrome

It is also known as micropsia.  The syndrome causes victims to have malfunction in how their brains process the data, despite the lack of any problem with their eyes. They see things, people or animal much smaller than in reality. Some have reported that they see a dog as a size of mice. Or looking people who are way taller but seeing them much shorter. The disease got its name from the author of Alice in wonderland, Lewis carol who was believed to have the syndrome.

10.   Capgras Syndrome

Everyone has second thoughts about their relationship. The unusual thing with this syndrome is that the person thinks  her or his significant other is an imposter. Victims consistently reported that their loved ones are being impersonated by other people. Sometimes, it leads the victims into attacking someone whom they thought an imposter, but actually is their relative. In fact, they are unsure of their own reflection on the mirror.

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