Ministry of Health Brunei Darussalam.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Starts with C, ends with G. It's...CUPPING!

Assalamualaikum readers!
Here, I wanna share with you some uses and benefits of cupping. Hope you like the topic and happy reading! ^_^

What is cupping???
Cupping is traditional medical therapy which has been recommended by the Islamic Law. It is originated from China and has been practiced by the Arabians and Chinese  for thousand of years. It is a therapeutic process of removing venous blood and toxins from the body by the use of cups as the tool.
The cups are to be placed on specific spot of the skin  and vacuum is to be created by mechanical suction pump or by the use of fire(which is not recommended for the Muslims) and painless, light cut is to be applied so that the venous blood can be sucked out of the skin.

The cupping technique is differ from place to place. Some therapist uses olive oil in addition, some uses bamboos and animal horns as the cups, and some even undergo cupping by using leeches to suck out the blood.

Some pictures of cupping:

The cupping tools: disposable gloves, cups, pumper gun/mechanical suction pump, face mask...

Light cutting on the skin using  disposable surgical knife.

(don't dare to see! )

~ * The benefits of cupping therapy* ~

Cupping gives a lot of benefits, 10 of them are:

1> Remove toxin and venous blood from our body

2>Sharpen the eye sight

3>Increases the immunity of our body

4>Stabilise the regulation and the amount of hormone.

5>To stimulate ovulation in women

6> Overcome hypertension

7>For treatment of gout

8>To cure athsma.

9>Reduce muscle pain.

10>For treatment of inflammations.

The benefits of cupping has been guaranteed by our beloved prophet, Prophet Muhammad. Our Prophet said that, ''Indeed the best remedies that you have is cupping,'' reported by Anas Ibn Malik.

~ *Wassalam* ~
             written by Amal

Saturday, April 24, 2010

unhealthy diet. :/

Unbalance diet usually consists of two parts, over nutrition and under nutrition. Under nutrition includes the famine, starvation, anorexia, bulimia and so on. While over nutrition is something which is very very common in Brunei itself; Obesity, Overweight. 


Obesity is more than just a few extra pounds.
Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes.
The fat may be equally distributed around the body or concentrated on the stomach (apple-shaped) or the hips and thighs (pear-shaped).

The body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if your weight is in the healthy range.
  • You are in the normal range if your BMI is between 18.5 and 25 (kg/m2).
  • You are overweight if your BMI is between 25 and 30.
  • You are obese if your BMI is 30 or higher.
  • You are morbidly obese if your BMI is 40 or higher.

2) Overweight

Overweight is when your BMI index is between 25 and 30. The cause of overweight is just the same with the causes of obese. Much of what we eat is quick and easy — from fat-laden fast food to microwave and prepackaged meals. 

Daily schedules are so jam-packed that there's little time to prepare healthier meals or to squeeze in some exercise. Portion sizes, in the home and out, have grown greatly.

What causes obesity and overweight?

  1. Obesity can be hereditary, so some people are at increased risk.Genetic factors can affect appetite, the rate at which you burn energy (metabolic rate) and how the body stores fat.
    But even if your genes make weight gain more likely, it is not inevitable that you will be overweight.
  2. Obesity develops from overeating, irregular meals, lack of daily physical activity.
  3. In some instances, (other problems) endocrine problems, genetic syndromes, and medications can be associated with excessive weight gain.
What dangers can obesity done?

If you have a BMI of more than 25, you should lose weight. The same is true if you carry too much fat around the middle body because this increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

What health problems can obesity caused?

Psychologically, being overweight can affect your body image and damage self-esteem. In some cases this can cause social anxiety and depression. But in Brunei, this is pretty much NOT applicable, because.. Obese peoples see other obese peoples around them. :D 

Common physical problems include;
  1. Difficulties breathing
  2. Difficulties walking or running
  3. Increase sweating
  4. Pain in the knees and back
  5. Skin conditions such as acne

Obesity is a significant contributor to health problems. Some of Obesity-related diseases are;
  • High blood pressure, 
  • High cholesterol 
  • Coronary heart diseases
  • Type two diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Liver and Gallbladder disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Muscle and joints problems; Gout.

What can we do to treat obesity and overweight?
By eating less than the body needs and exercising more, this will force the body to use its existing fat stores for energy. By burning excess fat, you lose weight. Your body needs a certain amount of energy (calories) each day. Excess energy is stored as fat. 

Stomach obesity, where weight is concentrated on the tummy, is the most common type of obesity and affects 30 per cent of adult men. 
The more active you are, the more calories your body needs. Do more and more exercises! A change in diet and increase in physical activities can help obese people. 

Weight reduction surgery is known as ‘Bariatric surgery’ is effective ways to control obese people from getting obese-related diseases.

However in Brunei Darussalam it self, the MOH concentrated on psychologically treating the way of thinking for Obese patients, by teaching the right way to stop and control their intake of food, that is conducted in Dietitian Clinic, or the "Klinik Badan Sihat" that are located in two centres, Health Promotion Centre or the RIPAS hospital. 

Obesity is an alarming factor in Brunei Darussalam. It is common for us to see obese peoples around. Brunei is the most number of obese patients among other ASEAN countries, which is sad, but true. According to my personal survey, in the local school, we can clearly find obese students for at least 2 or 3 obese students in each class. how alarming is that? 
how about Brunei public servants? 55% are found to be obese. 


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

you need to know. :)

Most people want to be healthy. No surprise there. One of the best ways to make this dream a reality is through having a healthy diet. And, the only way to make that possible is by eating healthy.

What is healthy eating? And what exactly is a healthy diet? They are;
  1. Our weight. As long as we weren't eating so little that we were underweight or we weren’t eating too much that we were overweight...we will have a healthy diet, that's BALANCE DIET.Obviously our weight plays a big part of our life and health.

       2)     Healthy diet is all about eating healthy, nutritious foods.  As long as we eat lots of fruits and vegetables with all sorts of enough vitamins and minerals, then we will have a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods is definitely of the utmost important if we aim to be healthy.

        3)      Another term to describe healthy eating is when we avoid or at least greatly limit how much junk food we eat or how much sugar, msg, fats and calories do we eat. Then we are definitely doing some healthy stuff to maintain a healthy diet.

Ø   Therefore, all the three above are required in all of healthy dieticians to practice. What we DO eat and what we DON’T eat and the QUANTITY of it all does matters.

Yes, it is true that when we don’t eat healthy, we can’t be healthy.

In this world, there were lots of different types of foods we can find and eat. Obviously we as the owner of the body have the rights to choose what we want to swallow to our stomach. In other words, we are the decider either to be healthy by eating healthy foods, or instead, don’t care about own health and went to choose the so-not-healthy foods. 

They are couples of diseases and health problems/eating disorder as well relating to unbalance diet. But, you are what you eat. Make a difference, choose wisely. :) 

you are what you eat!